LGBTQ Rehab Locator - Easy To Use - Accurate - Possible Resource for

Drug Rehab USA created a free LGBTQ rehab directory that uses location technology to display addiction treatment near you.

The data in this directory comes from Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator by SAMSHA. Feedback from user of their addiction treatment directory convinced us that we need to create a user friendly substance use disorder directory.


Mission: To reduce the impact of substance abuse by helping LGBTQ people locate proper treatment.


Help us with our mission by adding our website URL to your resource page:


here is the rehab directory website for LGBTQ Alcohol and Drug Rehab Near Me Directory

Will you add this?

If you are not responsible for the decision making on what gets added to the resource page please forgive me.  Also, could you direct me to the right person?

Thank you!


Jake B.

Public Relations Drug Rehab USA



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