
Hi ,

Are you in need of an investor for your projects?. I'm  a consultant with some top finance facilitation companies in the Gulf and our partners are running a project funding program which I feel you may benefit from. They are funding viable projects as soft after review of the Business plans  at  2% ROI across all sectors and regions.

They fund projects that require financing not below 1 million USD/EUROS for up to 15 years period. They finance both ongoing and fresh projects.

Sectors of Interest: Oil & Gas, Agriculture, Health, Aviation, Tourism, Retail, Real Estate, Construction, IT & Communications, Technology, Education, Energy, Engineering, Utilities, Telecom, Mining, Maritime and host of other profitable ventures.

If it may interest you,  kindly get back to me through my email (kulievsanja7@gmail.com) for the project funding details.

Kind regards,
Kuliev Sanja
Senior Consultant

Kuliev Sanja Consultancy
