10:58 AM 8/29/2019 - File your Complaint or Comment on the FBI, their work, services, mistakes, and abuses by email – the nice and easy way; and it will appear on the Internet right away. And this way they and everyone else will read it, too! This is the great American Democracy in action, and IN MOTION!!!

Michael Novakhov on InMotion Hosting – Google Search

FBI Complaints BLOG - Complain and Comment By Emailmikenova12.fbireform@blogger.com 

File your Complaint or Comment on the FBI, their work, services, mistakes, and abuses by email – the nice and easy way; and it will appear on the Internet right away. And this way they and everyone else will read it, too! This is the great American Democracy in action, and IN MOTION!!!
FBI Complaints BLOGFeed Address: 

On RSS Dog | In Brief – http://feed.informer.com/share/RMH9XKQJRQ

